January 31, 2013

oh, January!

I'll admit it. We've been in a "January funk" lately.  The cold weather has just made us want to stay inside! That is until this week when we were blessed with an amazingly beautiful warm sunshiny day! It was about 70 degrees and we spent the entire day outside! Do you blame us!? It was crazy- we were warm even in light long sleeves and pants! I would totally take a beautiful day like this anyway!

Oh man, Emmie was enjoying this so much! She was running up and down the sidewalk over and over and over and then even ventured into the grass! Then she was off for the neighbors and only wanted to climb up and down their stairs. Luckily, they weren't home for us to bother! ;)

Emmie learned what flowers are! She started pointing out the flowers every chance she got!

 She found this swing I bought forever ago and haven't hung up yet! I made sure to send this to her Daddy so he would know we wanted him to hang it up!

Just seeing how much Emmie really enjoyed being outside made me realize, January or June, we need to be getting outside some and playing! We are making it our goal to start bundling up and getting outside for a little bit- even just for 10 minutes!

and, of course, a video of Emmie  tackling the stairs! 

January, maybe you weren't so bad after all! 


Melanie Van Wynsberg said...

I'm with you on the Jan. funk. I'm glad we've entered into Feb! :)

I like the new look to your blog too by the way!

Dear Finnlee said...

Your neighborhood is adorable. I love all of the brick and siding. Florida is stucco-city. Ugh. It's so funny to me to think that Emmie had to rediscover flowers since she was too little before fall/winter to notice them. They're always present here...hence the name "Florida"...so, obviously. ;)