January 22, 2013

favorite things

It is so cold around here these days that we decided to bundle up and stay inside.  Plus, leaving the house with 2 babies isn't so easy (okay, before people start freaking out wondering when I had baby #2... he isn't mine. I watch my friend Audrey's baby 3 days a week! More on this some other post!)

But, it's hard leaving the house with 2 babies! I'm sure it will be easier once they are both a little older, but usually on the days Nate is around, we stay inside. It totally gives me cabin fever by the end of the 3rd day, but luckily I have 4 days off! I also end up taking a billion pictures throughout the day!

Anyways, back to our regularly scheduled favorite things post.  You have to know this is going to be all about Emmie and her favorite things.  I don't think anyone cares to see my favorite sweat pants or striped sweater ;)

Okay, I lied...This one is one of MY favorite things.... Every morning starts out with a wonderful cup of coffee! I never get to drink it fresh & hot, except maybe a few sips when it's first ready.  Some mornings, it needs a little something extra- like whipped cream! (What you don't put lots of cream and sugar AND whipped cream on your coffee? You totally should- it's amaaaaaazing!)

Oh this is another one of MY favorites: Emmie is now old enough to play in her crib a little once she wakes up. It's awesome- especially when I'm trying to finish cleaning, or watching something on Hulu ;) 

It's so precious when I go in there to get her, she stands up and starts jumping on her mattress with a big smile! I love love it! I tried to get a picture of it, but she thought I was leaving her in there, so they turned out like this: 

Emmie has learned that it is actually her face in the camera on my phone.  It was like a little light clicked and she decided it was awesome.  Let me tell you, girlfriend can rock a self-portrait! 

Em is all about the accessories these days.  She finds shoes and  asks me to put them on her.  Hats, oh heck yes, and if stinker finds a bib, you know she's going to want that piled on.  Last night, she lucked out and found all of her favorites- plus 3 bibs.  Daddy even put her shoes on her OVER her pajama pants!

Playing "I'm gonna get you" is something that Emmie is obsessed with! She giggles and runs as fast as her little feet can take her.  Better yet, if she's on the couch, she'll climb up on the tippy top of the pillows and then collapse into a fit of laughter before you even get there or touch her!

Hats or hoods with ears.  Gosh I could just eat them up! 

Emmie so loves Nate and I love his squishy chubby cheeks! I mean, I just can't resist giving them a big squeeze every once and a while! (don't even try to tell me you wouldn't either!)

Emmie loves "helping" with Nate too! She gives him a bottle, helps change his diaper, burps him, and actually goes over and pats him on the back when he's upset doing tummy time!

oh how Emmie LOVES to read! She is constantly handing me books.  I love these moments.  She isn't the biggest snuggler anymore, so these sweet glimpses where she sits still in my lap are the best.

And this little one, is my absolute favorite thing ever.

1 comment:

Dear Finnlee said...

So much sweetness in one post. My favorite is the accessory hoarder! Hilarious!! My cousin used to do something similar with her clothes when she was about two, and we called her "the bag lady." Getting out of the house with two is always more of a challenge...which one do you put in the carseat first? Take out of the car first? How one earth do you unload the groceries? Good luck with that! Haha!!