February 28, 2011

almost forgot!

When I don't take pictures, I forget to get them and stick them up here! 

Every single time I look at these pictures, I just start laughing all over again.  That is when you know that you have some gems! 

My friend and local photographer, Crystal George, had an amazing opportunity to be on a reality pilot for a show called Shutter Wars

 When the first web episode previewed, we all went to her studio and watched, talked, and laughed.  And laughed some more.  

Crystal set up a cutie photo book and we pulled out a bunch of her fun props as she snapped away.  

Me, Carter, and Monique

Me and Carter pretended to get married

Some of my small group girls.  Love each and every one of them.

and of course i saved the best for last! 


1 comment:

Ellie said...

LOVE YOU PICS!! You are sooooo beautiful!!!!! I also love those umbrella's where did you find those fun things?? Love you girl! Ps.. when can we do lunch, or perhaps a double????